Friday, February 15, 2013

A friend of the family

This photo, taken at "The Meet", the Braine residence at Boralessa, was previously posted on the blog, but with new information emerging, I decided to repost it.

From left, standing: Bridget (Bee), George, Amy, Rosie, Ben, and Kay (Cathleen). Seated: Lucy, Teddy, grandma Engracia Nonis, and Edith Brett, a family friend. 

My Aunty B often referred to Edith when talking about her days growing up at Boralessa. he said that Edith spent much time with the family and even referred to my grandfather as her dad. Last month, In London, I met Edith's son Paul Pulle and this is what he wrote to me about Edith.

"My mother Edith Brett was born in Penang in 1912 when her father Herbert Brett was on planting trips (HB)  was a buddy of Charles Stanley [my grandfather] as far as we know and we think that  HB somehow made CS a guardian for my mother , who was at a convent in Negombo and had special permission to stay with the Braines at Boralessa. Aunty B confirms this hence she was treated very much as part of the family. 

My father John Pulle was a frequent visitor to the adjoining estate and played cricket with Aunty B and the family and Edith who happened to be there on vacation. This resulted in their relationship ending in marriage."

In the photo below, which I believe was taken on the railway track adjoining The Meet", Edith Brett is standing at the center, with John Pulle next to her. On the extreme left is my uncle George Braine and next to him is my Aunt Kay.

Uncle George, like John, attended St. Joseph's College, Colombo, and they may have been classmates. John's home was next to "The Meet" at Boralessa. 

John became an All Ceylon cricketer in the 1940s, and also coached the First XI of my alma mater Trinity College, Kandy.

Edith Brett

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